How long has it been since my last bake? 3 months? Or 5 months? I can't remember. I was wrapped up into the busyness of work that I neglected baking. And, thankfully, I managed to sneak in a 11-day summer vacation in Taiwan.

I gotta get back to the work-life balanced lifestyle. I miss late nights bakings. I started to browse through my favourite list of bloggers' sites. I came upon Anncoo Journal's Soy Milk Almond Chiffon Cake and remembered the tin of almond powder I bought in Jiufen old street, Taiwan and the Cake Land's heart shaped chiffon pan.

This cake has the flavour of almond with some sprinklings of black sesame seeds. It is both light and fluffy with a moist and tender crumbs. My mama loved it!
Soy Milk Almond Chiffon Cake
(Adapted from Anncoo Journal's Soy Milk Almond Chiffon Cake)
100g Plain flour
2 tbsp almond powder
5 Egg yolks
25g Caster sugar
50g Canola oil
100ml Soya milk with almond flavoured (red sugar)
1 tbsp Black sesame seeds, toasted
100ml Soya milk with almond flavoured (red sugar)
1 tbsp Black sesame seeds, toasted
5 Egg whites
50g Caster sugar
- Sift in (A) plain flour and almond powder and mix well.
- Mix (B) ingredients together in a large bowl, egg yolks and sugar, then add in (C) canola oil and soya milk. Then add in (A), flour mixture and mix well with a hand whisk. Fold in black sesame seeds.
- Beat egg whites with low speed until you can see big bubbles. Gradually add in caster sugar and continue to beat until stiff peak at high medium speed. Change the mixer speed to lowest and continue to beat for 10 seconds. (this is to minimize the air bubbles in the cake)
- Gently fold 1/3 of the beaten egg white into egg yolk batter, use cut and fold method until well blended. Then pour the batter back to the rest of the egg white and fold until mixture is well blended.
- Pour batter evenly into the ungreased chiffon cake pan (a heart shape or 18cm round tube pan). Gently bang the pan on the table top to release air bubbles.
- Bake in pre-heated oven on lower rack, 160 degrees for 35-40 minutes.
- Remove from oven, invert cake onto table until completely cooled.
Hi Miss Dalyn, Thank you very much for trying my recipe. so glad to hear your mum liked this cake :)